Asus officially launches its M50 notebook PC with a dual mode multimedia touch pad. The Asus M50 is powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo or Penryn processor, up to 4GB of RAM. It has a 15.4-inch LCD display, hybrid TV Tuner and supports WiFi.
The M50 comes with Asus’s innovative Dual Mode Multimedia Touch Pad, which will turn into a control panel for video or music entertainment, when it is not used as a a cursor platform.
The M50 is available in different models with different graphic cards, as listed below:
nVIDIA GeForce 9500M GS with 512MB VRAM (M50SV);
ATI Mobile Radeon HD3650 with 1G VRAM (M50SA);
ATI Mobile Radeon HD3470 with 256MB VRAM (M50SR)