Pioneer KURO PDP-428XD Plasma TV

Pioneer KURO PDP-428XD Plasma TV

Pioneer KURO PDP-428XD is a 42-inch Plasma TV with 1024×768 native resolution, 16,000:1 contrast ratio. It has 3 HDMI input, D-Sub input, Composite video, S-Video..etc.

The plasma TV has been reviewed by TrustedReviews:

The very worst thing that can be said about the 428XD is that its overall impact isn’t quite as great as that of the 508XD. But we only say this because picture quality this good just looks better the bigger the screen you see it on; there’s nothing actually wrong with the 428XD. Far from it. In fact, if a 42in screen size or a £1,600 represent your maximum extent of your TV ambition, the 428XD will deliver the goods more successfully than any other flat TV range before.<

Design & Features: 10/10
Image Quality: 10/10
Sound Quality: 10/10
Value: 8/10
Overall: 10/10
