Apple has introduced its new AirPort Extreme and AirPort Time Capsule base stations with a complete new design. Both devices get the same design and size, and they transform from a flat, slim, square box to a small tower measuring 6.6 inches (168 mm) tall and 3.85 inches (98 mm) wide. The new Time Capsule managed to pack a 2TB or 3TB hard drive inside.
The new AirPort base stations support the latest WiFi 802.11ac wireless standard and is backwards compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n to provide faster wireless Internet. To deliver enhanced performance, they also feature beamforming antenna array with 6 antennas, three for 2.4Ghz and three for 5GHz. There are three Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports and a USB port for sharing USB storage device and printer over the network.
The AirPort Extreme is priced at $199, and the AirPort Time Capsule is priced at $299 for 2TB and $399 for 3TB model.