At the WWDC 2013, Apple refreshed its MacBook Air line with Intel’s latest forth generation Core ‘Haswell’ processors. Powered by new Core i5 or i7 processor with HD Graphics 5000, the MacBook Air laptops have 40% faster graphics performance. The new power-efficient CPUs also give a longer battery life of up to 12 hours for 13-inch model and 9 hours for 11-inch model.
The updated MacBook Airs also get support for next-gen WiFi 802.11ac standard for enhanced wireless performance. They come standard Core i5 1.3 dual-core processor, 4GB RAM and 128GB or 256GB of flash storage. Other features include 720p FaceTime HD camera, USB 3.0 ports, Thunderbolt connectors, Bluetooth 4.0, stereo speakers and full-size backlit keyboard and multitouch trackpad. The 13-inch model adds SDXC card slot.
The 11-inch MacBook Air starts at $999 and the 13-inch model has a lower starting price of $1099.