Turtle Beach introduces the new Ear Force Seven Series of gaming headsets for hard-core gamers. There are three models in the line, the XP Seven for XBox, PS3 gaming consoles and PC/Mac; the Z Seven for PC/Mac and mobile devices; and the M Seven for mobile only. Both XP and Z models are tournament-grade headset, and the former is the official headset of Major League Gaming (MLG) while the latter is licensed and endorsed by MLG.
The XP Seven and the Z Seven share many of the features. They sports 50mm speakers and a fully programmable digital signal processor (DSP) for gamers to enhance their audio experience. Both headsets come with an external Audio Control Unit (ACU) for easy audio customization, on-the-fly audio preset switching, and independent game and chat volumes. The XP Seven features Dolby Digital Pro Logic IIx sound technology while the Z Seven comes with Dolby Digital, and both of them have Sonic Silencers to eliminate background noise and Sonic Lens + Sound Field Expander. They use USB for PC/Mac connection and can be used with mobile devices.
The M Seven, on the other hand, is a premium mobile headset designed for use with smartphones, tablets, portable media players as well as portable gaming devices. It also packs 50mm speaker drives to deliver high quality sound and has in-line multi-function remote and microphone for making phone calls and device control.
These Seven Series gaming headset feature leatherette headband and memory foam ear cushion for comfortable use. Their ear plates are interchangeable for customization. The XP Seven is available now for $279.95, an the Z Seven and M Seven will be released in April for $249.95 and $149.95, respectively.