MSI launches in the US its new GX60 affordable high-performance gaming notebook powered by AMD’s CPU and GPU. The 15.6-inch gaming machine is powered by AMD’s Trinity A10 quad-core processor and Radeon HD7970M graphics card with 2GB video memory. To deliver enhanced gaming experience, MSI even adds Killer E2200 Gaming network card and SteelSeries chiclet gaming keyboard. It also includes Turboo Drive Engine technology for instant one-touch overclocking.
The GX60 comes equipped with 8GB of RAM and 750GB 7200RPM hard drive, as well as a Blu-ray Disc drive for users to enjoy high-definition movie. It has a 15.6-inch 1920×1080 Full HD display with an anti-reflection coating to reduce eyestrain. To deliver great sound, the laptop packs THX stereo speakers and subwoofer and includes Audio Boost sound enhancement. It even gets headset amplifier and gold flash jack to offer high-fidelity sound via audio jack. The GX60 supports WiFi and comes with a 5-in-1 card reader, three USB 3.0 ports, HDMI 1.4 port and a multitouch touchpad.
MSI’s GX60 comes running Windows 8 64-bit. It is priced at $1299.99.