KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

Sharp has the W52SH mobile slim phone for KDDI au. The KDDI au Sharp W52SH  features of course a 2.8-inch ASV LCD display with Sharp’s AQUOS technology, a 0.7-inch external screen, a 2.03 Megapixel camera and a microSD memory card slot.

Same as other new phones, the W52SH supports LISMO music services and other EX services from KDDI. It has built-in GPS, and supports high speed InfraRed, IrSimple.

The KDDI au W52SH measures 49 x 108 x 17.6mm and weights 127g.

More pics after the break.

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone

KDDI au Sharp W52SH Mobile Phone
