Hitachi announced the P50-XR01 and L37-XR01 HDTVs featuring the iVDR* video recording.
The Hitachi P50-XR01 is a 50-inch plasma HDTV with 1920×1080 resolution, a brightness of 1100cm/m2, and 10000:1 contrast ratio. It has built-in iVDR-S with 250GB hard drive.
The Hitachi L37-XR01 has also built-in iVDR and a 250GB hard drive. It is a 37-inch LCD HDTV and has 1920×1080 resolution, a brightness of 500cm/m2, and 7000:1 contrast ratio.
Both of them has 3 HDMI inputs. They will be launched in Japan in late May.
*iVDR-Secure aims to become a standard media for the realization of an ubiquitous society which processes copyright content of image, music and programs etc. in common over a wide field of AV equipment and PCs including home appliances, mobile equipment, and vehicle mounted equipment.