Hammacher Schlemmer SkyPix Handheld Scanner

Hammacher Schlemmer SkyPix Handheld Scanner

Hammacher Schlemmer offers the SkyPix handheld scanner for capturing important documents, letters, or recipes..etc. The sanner can features sensitive color image sensor that scans ...

Plustek MobileOffice D428 Portable Scanner

Plustek launches the MobileOffice D428 portable scanner design for small and medium businesses. The D428 features 600dpi resolution and is equipped with Color CIS image sensor. The ...

Fujitsu ScanSnap S300 Ultra Portable Scanner

Fujitsy PFU offers the ScanSnap S300, a compact, tiny, ultra portable scanner that is the world’s smallest duplex ADF scanner. The S300 is able to scan images at up to 8 pages ...