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Extech MC108 Digital Mini Microscope

Extech presents the MC108 digital mini microscope design for laboratories. The MC108 features a 7x-27x optical zoom and 4x digital zoom. It has three white LEDs with adjustable brightness ...

VuPoint FC-C520-VP Digital Film and Slide Scanner

VuPoint Solutions offers the FC-C520-VP digital film and slide scanner, a device that allows you to convert your old 35 mm standard negatives and mounted sliders to digital images. ...

Interead COOL-ER “Cool” E-Book Reader

Interead presents the COOL-ER, a ‘cool’, lightweight, small e-book reading device (aka CoolReaders). The COOL-ER  features a 6-inch E Ink Vizplex screen and supports JPEG, ...

Novanta Workstation is “Better Than Your Desk”

This is Novanta Workstation, a desk for your computer designed by Luke Riggall. Basically, the Novanta Workstation is an all-in-one desk that offer iPod dock, monitor stand, speaker, ...

Leadtek WinFast HPVC1100 External SpursEngine Encoder

Leadtek introduces in Japan the WinFast HPVC1100, the world’s first HD video encoder powered by Toshiba’s SpursEngine. The WinFast HPVC1100 has 128MB XDR RAM and a PCI-Express ...

Logitech Harmony Adapter for PS3

Logitech launches its Harmony Adapter for Playstation 3. The Harmony works basically like Schmartz’s IR-to-Bluetooth converter. It takes an infrared (IR) signal from your Harmony ...

Purely Ionic LifeStyle USB Generator

PurelyProducts offers the Ionic Lifestyle USB device that will eliminate electromagnetic waves from your computer and monitor while generating millions of negative ions that will contribute ...

Amimon AMN 2120/2220 WHDI Chipset

Amimon announced the AMN 2120/2220 its second generation baseband chipset that is designed for the WHDI (Wireless Home Digital Interface) standard. The chipset is able to wirelessly ...

Meccaniche Veloci Quattro Valvole CCM carbon fiber wristwatch

Italian watchmaker Meccaniche Veloci and brake discs supplier Brembo have joined to create the world’s first carbon fiber encased wristwatch, the Quattro Valvole CCM that is ...

Xerox ColorQube 9200 Series multifunction printer

Xerox announced the new ColorQube 9200 Series multifunction printer that utilizes the company’s solid ink technology. This printer is the world’s first solid ink high speed ...