Vizio has released its MT11X-A1, its first Windows 8 tablet PC. The 11.6-inch Windows tablet is powered by AMD’s Z-60 APU with 2GB RAM and integrated Redeon HD6250 graphics and runs Windows 8 x86 version ideal for entertainment and productivity. Its 11.6-inch touchscreen features 1920×1080 Full HD resolution and 10-point capacitive multitouch.
Vizio’s Windows 8 tablet features a ultra slim and lightweight for easy portability. It comes with 64GB of SSD for storage, and it is equipped with a 2 Megapixel front-facing camera and dual stereo speakers with SRS Premium Sound HD sound enhancement. You can find Bluetooth 4.0 and dual-band WiFi 802.11n connectivity and a micro HDMI 1.3a output. Its battery can provide up to 5 hours of use.
You can get the Vizio MT11X-A1 tablet for $599.99.