Logitech expands its universal remote control line with two new advanced models, the Harmony Ultimate and the Harmony Smart Control. Both of them comes with a Harmony Hub and works with Harmony Smartphone app to allow closed-cabinet control and one-touch entertainment access to game consoles from your universal remote or smartphone.

Logitech Harmony Ultimate
With the Harmony Hub, you can control your home theater devices located behind cabinets or walls, without the need to point your remote or smartphone at the devices. The Hub talks to the remote control and smartphone via WiFi, and turns WiFi signal into IR and Bluetooth commands. It uses Bluetooth technology to power on game consoles such as the PS3, Wii and Wii U, and controls the InfraRed blaster inside the cabinet.

Logitech Harmony Smart Control
The Harmony Ultimate is a full-featured remote with a 2.4-inch touchscreen display and backlit buttons. It is available to control up to 15 devices and includes the ability to program Philips Hue lighting systems with entertainment activities allowing you to adjust the home’s lighting as easily as changing the volume of your television. The remote also offers vibration feedback and comes with a charging station to keep it charged. On the other hand, the Harmony Smart Control solution includes a simple remote control and is able to control up to 8 devices.
Other than using the included remote control, you may also use Logitech’s Harmony Smartphone app to turn your iOS or Android phone into a personal universal remote.
The Harmony Ultimate and Harmony Smart Control solutions are available for $349.99 and $129.99, respectively.

Logitech Harmony Ultimate

Logitech Harmony Smart Control
[Logitech 1|2|3]