Kobo launches the limited edition Aura HD e-book reader with a high resolution display for enhanced e-reading. The big 6.8-inch Peark E features 1440×1080 resolution and 265dpi and ClarityScreen+ for a clear reading experience, that makes you feel like reading on paper. There is also ComfortLight front-light technology that illuminates the screen evenly for comfortable reading in any lighting condition. The reader has a book-inspired design and comes in Ivory, Espresso and Onyx colors.
The Aura HD sports a 1GHz processor for fast performance and seamless page turns. With 4GB internal memory and microSD for up to 32GB card, the e-book can hold thousands of e-books. Using WiFi, users have access to over 3 million e-book, newspapers and magazines on Kobo eBookStore. You can also customize their reading experience as well, with TypeGenius that allows you to select your preferred font from a choice of 10 styles and 24 sizes. The device supports ePub, PDF, MOBI e-book files, TXT, HTML, XHTML, and RTF text files, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF images, as well as CBZ and CBR comic book formats. It also comes pre-loaded with Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary.
The built-in battery provides up to 2 months of use. Ciming in 16 April, the Aura HD is priced at $169.99. Kobo will also release the ultra-thin lightweight Kobo SleepCover and leather folio case for the e-reader.