Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5

A company called BiteMyApple launched the Trygger polarizing filter camera clip for the iPhone 5. The product started as a Kickstarter project with $61,125 raised and is now available for purchase. Designed to improve image quality produced by iPhone 5, the Trygger is a polarizing filter clip that attaches to the iPhone 5 to correct lighting problems such as reflection, glare and hazy skies.

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5

The filter clip is built using hand ground optical glass construction and is adjustable that users can change how much light comes through, offering more control over photography. The clip is housed in a shock and scratch resistant case that is also lightweight.

The Trygger clip for iPhone is available in black and white and is priced at $39.99. The version for iPhone 4 comes in the form of a Tyrgger case that costs $49.99.

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5 only clip

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5 on hand

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5 1

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5 black

Trygger Polarizing Filter Clip for iPhone 5 in use tripod

Trygger Polarizing Filter Case for iPhone 4

Trygger Polarizing Filter Case for iPhone 4

