Kobo eReader comes with 100 free e-books

Kobo eReader comes with 100 free e-books

Kobo eReader comes with 100 free e-books

Kobo, a global eBook retailer, launches its own e-reader called the Kobo eReader that comes pre-loaded with 100 free e-books. The device features a 6-inch e-ink display, 5 selectable font sizes and a D-pad for navigation.

At 10mm thick, the Kobo eReader has 1GB of internal memory and supports SD memory card. It includes Bluetooth connectivity for syncing with smartphones and updating reading list. The built-in battery offers up to 8000 page turns. The company also announced the “Powered by Kobo” e-book platform and e-book application. The Kobo eReader is priced at $149.

