PRS Guitarbud Guitarist’s Interface for iPhone and iPod Touch

PRS Guitarbud Guitarist's Interface for iPhone and iPod Touch

PRS Guitarbud Guitarist's Interface for iPhone and iPod Touch

PRS (Paul Reed Smith) launches the Guitarbud, the guitarist’s interface for the iPhone and iPod touch. This accessory allows you to plug your guitar directly into your iPhone and iPod touch 2G for use with all guitar applications. There is also a jack for you to connect your headphones.

PRS Guitarbud Guitarist's Interface for iPhone and iPod Touch cable

According to PRS, the Guitarbud basically replaces your iPhone’s built in mic with the direct output of your guitar, meaning you can use your guitar with any app that your mic worked. This 6 foot special instrument cable also be used with bass or keyboard and it works with the company’s PRS Jam Amp, Voice Memos, StompVox and many other apps.

The PRS Guitarbud Guitarist’s Interface is priced at $29.95.

