Dry Planet’s Waterpebble Reduce Water Usage

Dry Planet's Waterpebble Reduce Water Usage

Dry Planet's Waterpebble Reduce Water Usage

Dry Planet launches the Waterpebble, a small device that helps people save water, save energy and thus save money by reducing water usage. According to the company, the Waterpebble can help reduce the average shower to less than 6 minutes saving over 20 litres of hot water every time.

Here is how it works:

  • By sensing the water flowing around it, Waterpebble automatically times your first shower and remembers it!
  • Using that time as a benchmark, a series of soft, flashing lights indicate how much time you’re spending in future showers compared to the benchmark – When it flashes red, your time is up.
  • Over a number of showers the time taken to reach the flashing red light slowly reduces to 2/3rds of the original time, encouraging you to gradually reduce the time you spend in the shower and helping you to save water, energy and money.
  • Waterpebble doesn’t need fitting; it can be carried around and just sits anywhere where water can flow around it, such as near the shower plug. You don’t even need to switch it on or off.
