NEC FP810 femtocell

NEC FP810 femtocell

NEC FP810 femtocell

NEC is going to launch its FP810 femtocell personal 3G hotspot. The FP801 is based on Ubiquisys’ hardware and we can expect a re-badged Ubiquisys G3-mini. The device is capable of up to 8 simultaneous calls and supports HSPA (High Speed Packet Access). It consumes less than 5W of power.

The NEC FP810/Ubiquisys G3-mini can handle up to 14.4Mbps HSDPA and 5.7Mbps HSUPA speeds. The femtocell supports 1800/1900Mhz dual-band GSM and tri-band UMTS 3G networks.

