Iomega introduces the new ScreenPlay line of HD media players, including the top of the line ScreenPlay Director. The player boasts Full HD 1080p playback at 24fps and supports modern HD video formats such as H.264, WMV, AVCHD.
The ScreenPlay Director has 1TB storage capacities and offers three USB Host ports for external storage. It offers HDMI output as well as composite, component and optical audio. It has Ethernet LAN port for connecting your home network and optional Iomage USB WiFi adapter can be added for WiFi connectivity. This HD media player costs $249.
In addition to the ScreenPlay Director, Iomega offers the ScreenPlay Plus and the ScreenPlay TV Link Director. The entry-level ScreenPlay Plus also gets 1TB capacity and supports up to 1080i video playback, HDMI output and USB external storage. It doesn’t include support for H.264, WMV, AVDHD. On the other than, the ScreenPlay TV Link Director is basically a compact version of the ScreenPlay Director but comes without onboard storage but USB host ports. They are priced at $169 and $129 respectively.