SmartSynch GridRouter Universal Smart Grid Communications Solution

SmartSynch GridRouter Universal Smart Grid Communications Solution

SmartSynch GridRouter Universal Smart Grid Communications Solution

SmartSynch introduces the GridRouter, the industry’s first universal smart grid communications solution that allows utilities to seamlessly and easily communicate with every possible device on the smart grid regardless of make, model or communication protocol.

The IP-enabled GridRouter features:

  • Provides a point-to-point smart grid communications platform that can facilitate data transfer to any smart grid device on any network (public or private)
  • Can be managed by standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) network IT management tools that most utilities already implement
  • Functions like any other network appliance on an IP network, such as a PC or copy machine
  • Offers a standard, open platform that allows multiple companies to provide value to the customer as part of an ‘ecosystem of innovation’
  • Is field upgradeable — allowing utilities to add multiple communication technologies to their smart grid communications infrastructure based on future needs without having to replace an entire system backbone
