YoGen – Univesal Mobile Device Charger

YoGen - Univesal Mobile Device Charger clear on hand

This is the YoGen, an “Universal Mobile Device Charger” created by a company called Fame. The YoGen utilizes the patented alternator technology and uses a pull/release mechanism to generate power instantly.

YoGen - Univesal Mobile Device Charger black

Power is generated with the first pull and the Yogen is able to charge devices with only a few minutes of pull/release time. It has a mini-USB port for output and comes with a a master cable with changeable connection tips.

The YoGen measures 55 mm x 90 mm x 23 mm thick and weighs 98 grams. It is available in Clear and Black colors and two packages, one with mini USB and Apple connector tips and the other with LG, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and micro USB tips, both priced at $39.99.

YoGen - Univesal Mobile Device Charger Pulling

