Yamaha MCR-140 and MCR-040 Mini Audio Systems

Yamaha launches its MCR-140 and MCR-040 micro-component music systems that are “Made for iPod”. These system includes an iPod dock, a CD player, front panel USB port, FM radio and a audio-in jack for portable audio devices.

Yamaha MCR140 and MCR-040 Mini Audio Systems

The Yamaha MCR-140 features the yAired technology (aka AirWried in Japan) that allows you to enjoy your iPod music wirelessly. Both MCR-140 and MCR-040 boasts 15Wx2 output, a Yamaha digital amplifier with low noise distortion, Advanced Yamaha Active Servo Technology (YST) that delivers powerful, accurate bass response, and the Vibration Control Cabinet Structure Technology (VCCS) practically eliminates distortion-causing speaker cabinet vibration.

Yamaha MCR-140 and MCR-040 are available orange, dark blue, light blue, white, red, dark green, brown, light gray, dark gray and pink so you can match the color with your iPod. They come with a card-type remote control are available for $399.95 and $279.95, respectively.

