Lenkeng LKV8000 PSP to HDMI Converter

Lenkeng LKV8000 PSP to HDMI Converter

A company called Lenkeng Technology Limited, based in ShenZhen, China, offers LKV8000 PSP to HDMI converter box. The converter is able to take PSP2000/3000‘s 480P video output, upscale to 720p and show the image on your HDTV in full-screen via HDMI 1.3 connection.

Lenkeng LKV8000 PSP to HDMI Converter connectors

With Lenkeng’s LKV8000, you can play your PSp at home with a large screen and HD resolution. The converter even include the Motion Compensated 3D Wavelet Video Coding Technology for removing screen jitter and tailing phenomenon and provide natural and rich color, according to the company.

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