Yamaha BODiBEAT Music Player for workout

Yamaha BODiBEAT Music Player for workout

Yamaha introduces the BODiBEAT, which is the world’s first musisc player that will play songs according to the pace of users’ workout. It will automatically syncs music selections with the steps of the user’s walk or run.

The Yamaha BODiBEAT comes with 512MB flash memory and offer 12 hours of playback time. Users can also specify times, distances or calorie targets to help structure their sessions.

BODiBEAT has four main operating modes: Free, Fitness, Training and Music. In Free mode, BODiBEAT automatically matches the music to the exercise pace, selecting songs that mirror the tempo of the user’s jogging or walking speed. Fitness modes include Walk Fitness and Jog Fitness, each of which works in conjunction with the heart rate monitor to select the most appropriate music for optimal aerobic exercise at the user’s fitness level. Like a personal trainer, Training mode tells users when to speed up and slow down for ideal results, and it does so while playing their favorite music. In Music mode, BODiBEAT functions as a standard portable audio player.

BODiBEAT comes with BODiBEAT Station, software that automatically categorizes each downloaded song by beats per minute (bpm), and a small heart rate monitor that clips gently onto the user’s ear. The BODiBEAT is priced at $299.99.

