Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader

Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader

Sony announced its new PRS-505 ebook reader that supports the ePUB format, which the world’s first. The ePub format is  the International Digital Publishing Forum’s XML-based standard format for reflowable digital books and publications.

Other than ePub support, this new ebook reader can also open Adobe PDF Reflow ,eBook with DRM and Adobe Digital Edition. Of course, it will continue to support the BBeB formatted eBooks offered by Sony’s eBook store.

“We are excited about the support of the EPUB format, PDF reflow and Adobe Digital Editions in one of the most popular and advanced eBook reading devices,” said Dan Baum, vice president, New Business Initiatives at Adobe. “Adobe Digital Editions is transforming the digital reading experience through its support of open standards and broad content availability from retailers and libraries.”

The eBook reader is avialable in Black, and Silver. There is also the James Patterson Special Edition, which comes in Red.

