Hyperskin 3DS Powerplus Battery Pack for Nintendo 3DS

Hyperskin 3DS Powerplus Battery Pack for Nintendo 3DS

Hyperskin 3DS Powerplus Battery Pack for Nintendo 3DS 1

Hyperskin launches the 3DS Powerplus battery pack for the Nintendo 3DS handheld video game system. Designed to provide extra power for the 3DS, the peripheral offers 1800mAh batery power. The 3DS Powerplus has a lightweight, sleek 1/4″ design that slides onto the back of the 3DS while allowing full access to all of the systems original functions such as the cartridge port, stylus, SD card and all the control buttons.

Hyperskin 3DS Powerplus Battery Pack for Nintendo 3DS

According to Hyperskin, the 3DS Powerplus can doubles the battery life of the portable glasses-free 3D gaming device. It will be released in Summer for $19.99.

