Latest MP3 Player News

Thanko Microsports Tiny MP3 Player
Thanko introduces the Microsports which is probably the smallest MP3 player. The Microsports measures no more than an average Bluetooth headset. Thanko combines the earbud with the ...

Philips GoGear SA018 MP3 player
Philips introduces the GoGear SA018 MP3 player that comes with a built-in clip for easy wear. You may found the GoGear SA018 a bit lit Apple’s iPod shuffle, but it actually does ...

Apple iPod Shuffle 3G now in Five Colors, and a Stainless Steel Edition
Other than the new iPod nano 5G, Apple brings the more colorful iPod Shuffle 3G portable music player. The device is now available in Silver, Black, Pink, Blue and Green. Like the ...

SanDisk Sansa Clip+ MP3 player
SanDisk presents the Sansa Clip+ portable MP3 player, replacing the Sansa Clip. The Sansa Clip+, in addition to onboard memory, now comes with a microSD card slot that is compatible ...

WiiPod – iPod Shuffle inside a Wiimote
Here is the Wiipod portable music player created by goteking, a Japanese. The Wiipod, to a certain extent, can’t not be regarded as a mod. Basically, a fake iPod shuffle 2G is ...

Adtec MIF-P2G Miffy MP3 Player
Adtec wil launch in September the MIF-P2G Miffy Figure MP3 Player. The device has 2GB internal memory and supports playback of MP3 and WMA music files. You can find LED indicator on ...

Archos Clipper Tiny MP3 Player
French company Archos presents the Clipper, a tiny MP3 player that serves as “a must have accessory to take with you – when your at the gym, running between lessons or commuting ...

Cowon iAudio E2 MP3 Player
As shown at Cowon’s Korean site, the company is preparing to launch the iAudio E2 portable music player. The player will probably come without a display and serve also as a keyring. ...

Sony Walkman NWZ-B142F ZAPPIN Music Player
Sony Japan introduces the new Walkman NWZ-B142F portable music player with the ZAPPIN function. The ZAPPIN plays five-second clips from the middle of tracks, which allows you to find ...

Ozaki iCommand Controller for iPod Shuffle 3G
Ozaki offers the iCommand Controller for Apple’s iPod Shuffle 3G music player, which offers the same function as the tapSTICK. Thanks to the iCommand, you can now use common/standard ...