Latest Funny News

QLOCKTWO Tells time in words
This is the QLOCKTWO, created by Biegert & Funk, that is a clock that tells you the time in words instead needles or numbers. It shows time in typographic time format in 5 minute ...

Quirky DigiDudes Portable Camera Tripod and Keychain
Quirky Community, after the Split Stick, presents the DigiDudes, a community designed, funky, portable camera tripod and keychain with attitude. You can use the DigiDudes as a ordinary ...
How to Draw a Gundam in Microsoft Excel
Other than those drawing in MS Paint videos, here is another video showing you how to draw a Gundam in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application. The Gundam being drawn is the GAT-X105 ...

Boardy USB Stick made of recyclable paper
Dutch company Boardy Products introduces the Boardy USB Stick that is basically a USB drive made of recyclable paper. The unique Boardy stick is foldable and is super lightweight at ...

USB Cigar Flash Drive
A guy over at DIY how-to website, Instructables, has created a USB Cigar flash memory that is designed “For cigar lovers, gadgeteers, spies, etc… and also for nonsmokers ...

GameBoy iPhone Pouch
After the PlayStation iPhone pouch we’ve seen yesterday, here is the GameBoy iPhone pouch. The hand-made pouch fits iPhone and iPod players. It is made of felt.
Remember: This ...

Wooden Electronic Ruler with Display
Designer Shay Shafranek brings us a concept design of a wooden electronic ruler that has a display showing you the length. According to the designer the ruler is to combine the value ...

SEGA Uchiage Hanabi Indoor Fireworks Projector
Sega Toys is going to launch in Japan the Uchiage Hanabi, an indoor fireworks projector that will show you fireworks on walls or ceilings. The device is designed to bring the realistc ...

Felt Playstation Case for iPhone
Here is a felt Playstation case for protecting your iPhone, cellphone or other gadgets. Made of grey felt with black felt lining, the pouch has a a velcro closure. It includes most ...