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Mac OS 7.5 running on NDS
Here is a video showing the Mac OS 7.5 running in the Nintendo DS. Though a bit slow, the Mac OS 7.5 works well in the NDS. If you also want to try it, get the Mini vMac.
Mac on ds? ...

Bonfire Tripod Burner
Designed by Yu-ri Lee, this is a Tripod Burner. The heating element has been built into the stand directly.
With the level of resources large corporations have at their fingertips, ...

Imaginarium MO1 Kidsphone
This is the Imaginarium MO1, a phone for kids. It is a simplified GSM phone and it comes with some limitation. It is now available in Spain.
“ability to limit all outgoing and ...
The Hillcrest Loop Remote Video Preview
We have seen The Loop, a ring shape remote, before and here is a video preview captured at the CES 2007. Editor at Gizmodo thought it is better than the Nintendo Wiimote. What do you ...

Aigo F029 PMP Watch Video Preview
Here is a short video preview on the aigo F029 PMP watch. The aigo F029 has a 1.3-inch 160 x 128 OLED display, 12MB or 1GB of memory, support for MP3, WMA (DRM), MPEG-4, XviD, and ...

Moixa USBCELL USB Battery
USBCELL produced by Moixa are NiMH batteries that can “be used like a normal battery and can be recharged simply by plugging into a USB port”. There are different sizes ...

Hello Kitty iPod docking station / stereo clock
Here is the Hello Kitty KT4560, a Stereo Clock Radio and Docking station for iPod. The Hello Kitty KT4560 has a video out jack which can output your video or pictures in the iPod to ...

Chess Table Made From Processors and CDROMs
This is a Chess table made from Pentium processors and CDROMs. It is created by a creative Russian living in Israel. One More picture after the jump.

ModeLabs’s Eco-Friendly Cellphone Concepts
A French design team, ModeLabs, has come up with three Eco-friendly cellphone concepts. One of them is the YoYo Phone which draws energy from bounces and swings and it can also get ...