VIA AMOS-5110 Em-ITX Embedded System for Multimedia Applications

VIA AMOS-5110 Em-ITX Embedded System for Multimedia Applications

VIA AMOS-5110 Em-ITX Embedded System for Multimedia Applications

VIA launches the new AMOS-5110, a flexible and fanless Em-ITX embedded system for advanced multimedia applications. The system features the VIA EITX-3000 in tandem with the VIA EMIO-3110 module, offering a 64-bit VIA Nano processor alongside advanced graphics and video processing with a dedicated DirectX 10.1 S3 Graphics 4300E graphics processor and 256MB of dedicated GDDR3 memory.

The VIA AMOS-5110 offers fanless operation and low power consumption. It provides VGA, Dual LVDS, Dual HDMI and Dual DVI ports. It’s flexible and extendable chassis system includes  dual 2.5-inch SATA drive bays.

