Following the consumer-oriented Pogoplug, the company launches the business version that is called the Pogoplug Biz. Like the original Pogoplug, the device offers a secure and flexible way to bring your external hard drive online for easy access and sharing. A Pogoplug Biz, combined with one or more USB hard drives provides businesses with an extensible cloud storage solution with no monthly fees.
Designed for business, of course, the Pogoplug Biz includes new business features including usage statistics and auditing, Multiple Users function with access levels and storage quata settings, support for clound/mobile printing, and remote backup. The Biz version also lets you use your own domain name and includes a customizable user interface and email templates to allow you seamlessly represent your company/brand whenever you share files online.
The Pogoplug Biz is priced at $299 with lifetime Pogoplug service.