While Verizon Wireless gets the Fathom, AT&T is launching another LG device, called Vu Plus that supports AT&T’s FLO-based Mobile TV service, just like LG’s Vu CU920.The Vu Plus comes with a 3-inch touchscreen, a 4-line QWERTY keyboard and a 3 Megapixel autofocus camera/camcorder. It supports the 7.2Mbps HSDPA network.
The 9.99 per month Mobile TV service allows users to watch full-length broadcast shows. The LG Vu Plus also supports AT&T Navigator and Social Net services. The new phone will be available on 6 June for $149.99 (Pay $199.99 and after mail-in rebate receive $50 AT&T Promotion Card. Two year service agreement required.)