Apple Tablet Rumor Last Minute Round-up

Apple Tablet leaked photo

Apple Tablet leaked photo

Today, Apple will have an event to show off its new product, which is believed to be an Apple tablet. The above leaked picture is probably showing a real Apple Tablet. Below is a list rounding-up the rumors:

  • Apple will probalbly called the tablet device as the iSlate or iPad, as Apple has applied for trademarks for both names
  • The Apple Tablet will have similar design as the original iPhone
  • The tablet is getting a Cortex A9 ARM processor
  • The tablet will get two dock connectos, one on the bottom, one on the side
  • The tablet will be a bigger version of iPhone/iPod touch, getting a 7-10-inch multitouch display
  • The tablet can run all iPhone and iPod touch applications
  • The tablet supports WiFi connectivity and will be available in both Verizon Wireless and AT&T versions
  • Apple has partnered with McGraw-Hill and Hachette to bring educational content to the tablet, making it an e-book reading device

Let’s wait and see……
