Q-TV2 2.1 Speaker System attached to the rear of your TV

Q-TV2 2.1 Speaker System attached to the rear of your TV

Q-TV2 2.1 Speaker System attached to the rear of your TV
Q Acoustics introduces the Q-TV2, a 2.1-channl sound system that attaches to the rear of your flat panel TV. The Q-TV2 mounts to HDTV’s VESA port and is adjustable to fit nay 30-42-inch screen.

The slim Q-TV2 includes left and right speakers and a vibration-free subwoofer. It offers a total of 100W power output. It can also connects to other media players for audio playback. Users can use existing TV remote to control the Q-TV2. We can probably see the system at the upcoming CES 2010.

