Data Robotics DroboElite – the First Self-Managing iSCSI SAN Storage System

Data Robotics DroboElite - the First Self-Managing iSCSI SAN Storage System

In addition to the Drobo S, Data Robotics launches the DroboElite, that first Self-Managing iSCSI SAN storage system. The system delivers self-managing features such as automated capacity expansion and one-click single- or dual-drive redundancy for optimal data protection for Windows, Mac and Linux machines.

Data Robotics DroboElite - the First Self-Managing iSCSI SAN Storage System back

The DroboElite has eight 3.5-inch SATA I/II hard drive bays allowing 16TB or more storage capacity. It has dual Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for connecting to existing TCP/IP network and for high-speed iSCSI data transfer. A USB 2.0 port is also provided. Like the Drobo S, the Elite utilizes the BeyondRAID technology that enables users to mix and match capacities, drive brands and speeds and one-click toggle between single- and dual-drive redundancy.

With dual iSCSI ports and the ability to create up to 255 Smart Volumes, DroboElite gives partners the ability to support growing VMware environments and advanced functionality including VMotion, Storage VMotion, snapshots, and high availability.

