Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse is eco-friendly

Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse

Designer Alest Rukov has created this wooden mouse that is made as a “eco-friendly alternative to harmful plastic gadgets polluting our world”. The mouse body is made using industrial wood and natural linseed oil and carnauba wax are applied as a finishing protective coat.

Other than standard mouse functions, such as right click, left click, scrolling, the wooden mouse can also control sound volume of any computer, both PC and Mac. Simply press and hold the right button and rotate the click wheel, you can increase or decrease the volume.

Alest Rukov’s wooden mouse comes with also custom-built cord that “has a unique ratio of flexibility and elasticity”.

Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse inside

Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse 4

Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse 3

Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse 2

Alest Rukov Wooden Mouse 1

