GlideTV Navigator HTPC Remote

GlideTV Navigator HTPC Remote 1

Here is the GlideTV Navigator, a cool HTPC remote that “combines the functionality of a keyboard, mouse and AV remote in an elegant device that fits the palm of your hand.”

The GlideTV Navigator is a clickale touchpad that can be mapped to your TV screen and does precise cursor control, one-thumb scrolling, single and double click selection. It features backlit AV buttons to control volume and playback, directional buttons for two-axis navigation, dedicated Esc, Enter, Back, and Function keys to control applications. The device also offers on-screen keyboard.

The GlideTV Navigator remote is compatible with PC running Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista or above, Mac OS X 10.4.11 or above and Sony PS3. It connects via USB port.

GlideTV Navigator HTPC Remote on hand

GlideTV Navigator HTPC Remote

