Sanyo Gorilla NV-SD730DT, NV-SB540DT and NV-SB530DT PNDs

Sanyo Gorilla NV-SD730DT, NV-SB540DT and NV-SB530DT PNDs

Sanyo announced in Japan three new Gorilla personal navigation devices. The first model is the NV-SD730DT that comes wth a 7-inch LCD screen. The NV-SB540DT has a smaller 5.2-inch LCD screen. They are equipped with a real-time traffic information system (VICS: vehicle information and communication system).

There is also the NV-SB530DT with 5.2-inch display. Three models all have 8GB SSD storage. They have two gyro sensors for estimating height and horizontal movement direction and a acceleration sensor for measuring driving distance and speed.

