Teenage Engineering OP-1 pocket size controller and synthesizer

Teenage Engineering OP-1 pocket size controller and synthesizer

Teenage Engineering presents the OP-1, a pocket size controller and synthesizer combo. As a controller, the OP-1 coonects to your laptop and lets you control your sequencers transport with the common play, stop, rec, forward and rewind. The OP-1 is also a stand-alone portable wonder-machine with 8 synthesizer models, 8 samplers and effects like Delay, Flutter, Filters and EQ all built in.

Teenage Engineering OP-1 has a 3.5mm input and a 3.5mm output. There is also a USB port for connecting the device with your PC. It has a OLED display.

Update: the OP-1 has been priced at $799.

[teenage engineering]
