Wi-Ex zBoost cell zone signal booster

Wi-Ex zBoost cell zone signal booster

Wi-Ex offers the zBoost, a cell zone signal booster, The zBoost extend a cell phone by capturing the wireless signal outside, bringing it inside and enhancing, or boosting it in your home, office or car. The zBoost repeats and amplifies the signal and is frequency dependent. It works with most mobile carriers except Nextel.

Four models are available:

  • zBoost YX500-PCS – works with all phones on the 1900MHz frequency. Includes Sprint, T-Mobile and others
  • zBoost YX500-CEL – works with all phones on the 800MHz frequency. Includes some models of Verizon and AT&T and others.
  • zBoost YX510-PCS-CEL – works with all phones simultaneously at both frequencies CEL – 800MHz and PCS -1900MHz.
  • zBoost zP YX300 – Dual Band for your personal workspace- covers 4-6 ft and works with all phones at both frequencies CEL – 800MHz and PCS -1900MHz. (Does not work with Nextel.)
