Siemens Eco Visions Leaf and Solar Concept Eco Phones

Siemens Gigaset Eco Visions Leaf

Simens has created the Gigaset Eco Visions project to explore new eco-friendly mobile phone designs. The first two phones from the Gigaset Eco Visions series are the Leaf and the Solar.

These eco phone will have OLED display for lower power consumption. They will be made of recyclable raw materials, such as eco-plastic and liquid wood. Solar energy will be their power source.

The Leaf has a unique natural design reminiscent of a leaf in spring. The eco plastics provide sensational haptics and substantial convenience. The invisible OLED display is embedded in a translucent lens encasement, giving the phone a futuristic touch.

Siemens Gigaset Eco Visions Leaf

The Solar, on the other hand is the high-end phone in the Eco Vision series. The Solar utilize the OLED touchpad technology that allows a function-depending key indication on the Solar’s transparent display, just like Motorola’s ModeShift.

Siemens Gigaset Eco Visions Solar

Siemens Gigaset Eco Visions Solar

Siemens Gigaset Eco Visions Solar

There is another model called the Stone, that will be introduced later this year.

[YankoDesign] [Siemens Gigaset Leaf | Solar]
