Hitachi CinemaStar 7K1000.B 1TB Hard drive

Hitachi CinemaStar 7K1000.B 1TB Hard drive

Hitachi has introduced the Deskstar 7K1000.B 1TB hard drive before and now the company introduces the CinemaStar 7K1000.B 1TB hard drive optimized for use in digital video recorders (DVRs) and set-top boxes.

The 3.5-inch CinemaStar 7K1000.B runs at 7200RPM. With the CoolSpin, it’s one of the most energy-efficient hard drive.

Hitachi is also offering another model, CinemaStar 5K320 with 320GB capacity. The CinemaStar 7K1000.B will be available in August while the CinemaStar 5K320 in September.

