ZeeVee introduces the ZvBox media streamer, which enables users to watch any internet media on the TV set. Simply plug the device into a computer’s VGA port and signals are then transmitted via the existing coaxial cabling.
How it works;
# PC’s content piped through VGA, which is then sent through coaxial cabling to every TV in your home
# VGA pass-through ensures your PC monitor continues to operate normally
# Audio (including Dolby Digital 5.1) is inputted via USB
# No equipment is needed at the TV end for reception; all signals are received from the TV’s QAM-capable internal tuner
# Users can opt to view their unadulterated desktop
# Otherwise, the Zviewer lays out customizable launch icons to take you directly to Netflix, Hulu, ABC.com, YouTube, MOJO, KoldCast or any other destination you choose
# Users have total control of their PC from their television; watching back PVR recordings, playing DVDs, viewing photos, etc. is all possible
# ZvBox possesses no fan, thus there’s no noise
# ZvRemote controls volume / channels, has built-in touchpad for interfacing with PC
# Optional ZvKeyboard coming this summer (no price disclosed)
# Shipments will begin in June, consumers can pre-order exclusively from Amazon beforehand