KDDI au Kyocera W44K II Mobile phone

KDDI au Kyocera W44K II

Another phone to be offered by KDDI au, the flip-style Kyocera W44K II supports the CDMA 1X WIN network. KDDI au Kyocera W44K II has a 2.4-inch QVGA LCD display, a 0.76 external display, a 2 Megapixel camera.

Same as the other phones offered by KDDI au, Kyocera W44K II supports also GPS navigation, LISMO music service, EZ services. W44K II supports InfraRed and microSD memory cards.


KDDI au Kyocera W44K II

KDDI au Kyocera W44K II

KDDI au Kyocera W44K II

