Adragon Digitek MP4-playing watch

The MP4 watch is manufactured by Shenzhen Adragon Digitek. It features a 9-hour playing time, Line-in recording, 5EQ settings, USB2.0 and Microphone. The watch comes with a color screen ...

HP iPAQ rx5000 travel companion

HP presents the new iPAQ rx5000 Travel Companion which combines the GPS navigation and portable media player. The rx5000 runs Windows Mobile 5.0 and comes with SiRF star III GPS receiver ...

Sony Ericsson MBW-100 Bluetooth Watch

Work with Fossil, Sony Ericsson presents it Bluetooth watch, the MBW-100. The watch comes with an OLED screen and interact with your phone via Bluetooth, when there is a call, it will ...

The Thinnest mobile phone LCD screens

LG.Philips LCD shows us the world’s thinnest LCD screen for mobile phone. The LCD is only 1.3 mm thick, it is 30% slimmer than their competitors who can offer only 1.9 to 2.9mm ...