XtremeMac InCharge Duo, InCharge Auto and InCharge Home for iPod, iPhone, iPad

XtremeMac InCharge Home dual USB charger for ipad iphone ipod
XtremeMac InCharge Duo charging dock for ipad iphone ipod

XtremeMac InCharge Duo

XtremeMac, part of Imation, announced thre new InCharge charge solutions, InCharge Duo, InCharge Auto and InCharge Home, for Apple’s iPad, iPod and iPhone devices.

The InCharge Duo is basically a charging dock for charging an iPad /or any combination of iPod/iPhone models at the same time. It is compact and comes with a bi-color LED status indicator. Aa removable adapter to support the iPad and dock adapters for the current iPod and iPhone models are included. The price is $59.99.

XtremeMac InCharge Auto in-car charger ipad iphone ipod

XtremeMac InCharge Auto

The InCharge Auto, as its name tells, is a in-car charger for charging iPod, iPhone and iPad on the road. This one-piece compact charger fits 12V outlets. It has LED power status indicator and an integrated safety fuse. The InCharge Auto costs $24.99.

XtremeMac InCharge Home dual USB charger for ipad iphone ipod

XtremeMac InCharge Home

Lastly, the InCharge Home is a wall charger with two USB power ports allowing users to charge any two iPad, iPhone, iPad simultaneously. It is priced at $34.99.

