Samsung 30nm Green DDR3 Memory

Samsung develops Green DDR3 using 30nm technology

Samsung develops Green DDR3 using 30nm technology

Samsung announced the development of the most advanced low-power DDR3 memory using the 30nm technology. Thanks to the 30nm technology, Samsung’s 2Gb Green DDR3 reduces power consumption by up to 30 percent over 50nm-class DRAM. The technology also raises productivity by 60 percent over 40nm-class DDR3.

According to Samsung, a 4-Gigabyte (GB), 30nm module when used in a new-generation notebook will consume only three watts per hour, which is just three percent of the total power usage of a notebook.

Samsung will begin mass production of 30nm DDR3 in H2 2010.

Update: Samsung announced that it has begun production of the 30nm Green DDR3.

